Thursday, 29 April 2010


If anyone is thinking..well what's the point of a blog if you never update it, you have my sympathies. Barbara has been exploring South America for nearly a fortnight now and nary a word.I (Damien) have only had 2 emails in that time telling me that it is hot, except for a very cold day in Buenos Aires, and that she is having a fabulous time. She did mention that the Iguassu Falls are very very big, so big that you can't imagine how big, but beyond that very little. I gather it is difficult to get to a computer besides which she's got so many places to see and the pace is pretty full on. She should be in Machu Pichu by now.
I (Damien) on the other hand have just arrived in London for a joyous reunion with Fritha and Anthony. The flight over was exhausting and a bit cramped and I made the mistake of spending my first afternoon here in Fritha's local pub. Those pint pots catch up with you when jetlag sets in.
I'm now sitting alone in Fritha's flat overlooking the Thames. The weather is very springy if a little overcast and London is looking beautiful. There are flower beds bursting with daffodils and tulips everywhere, and the trees in the parks are fresh and green with lots of blossom. I think it's time to sign off and do a bit of exploring. More later!!!!

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