Saturday, 7 June 2008

The Village Fete

Just a short post this time, to tell you about our attendance at the Ascott Under Wychwood Village Fete.

Another pleasant spring day and we found our way to the local sports ground, by following the colorfully dressed scarecrows in people's gardens. Apparently scarecrows are a tradition at village fete time.

There were all the usual things, beer, cider and Pimms, strawberries and cream, a white elephant stall, raffles and all. But the highlights were performances by the Chipping Norton Brass Band, and a team of Morris dancers. As well there was a Punch and Judy show with all the kids joining in. Öh no it wasn't ", said Mr Punch.

"Oh yes is was" yelled the kids.

I haven't seen a Punch and Judy show since I was about six, but very little had changed.

This was the most English of afternoons.

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